What We Do

data Democratization

The democratization of information possessed by a company means allowing distributed access, without resorting to the IT department, through the distribution of skills.

Data democratization,
what it is and how it arises

Data democratization in the computer field refers to the process by which data is made available and accessible to a wide range of users, regardless of their technical skills or the IT resources at their disposal. This is made possible through the use of advanced technologies such as cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and data analysis, which make data easily accessible, usable, and understandable for a wide range of users. Furthermore, data democratization technologies such as self-service analytics, data visualization, and data discovery make it possible for users to access, explore, and analyze data without the need for specialized technical support.

This process has a significant impact on different industries, as it allows companies to make data accessible to all departments, not just those that traditionally had access to it, and to make informed decisions based on data. It also helps to improve efficiency and reduce costs and to grow a data-driven culture in the company.

Why is it necessary to move in this direction?

Firstly, giving everyone the opportunity to fully exploit data to support their activities is the basis for promoting a healthy data culture in the company and above all promotes buy-in from high-level figures for future initiatives that concern the exploitation of data as a means of achieving their goals.


A second aspect derives from the increase in the demand for analysis/extractions/dashboards from the business, in response to the exponential availability of data available; this does nothing but result in an increasingly unbearable weight that inevitably rests on the shoulders of the data management teams in the IT area.


To respond promptly and efficiently to these ongoing needs, the data team should therefore integrate new professional figures with knowledge related to information processing. Unfortunately, the aforementioned increase in terms of data and requests grows at a very different pace compared to what typically characterizes the research, hiring, and training of specialized personnel. It is therefore evident that the IT department alone cannot scale effectively to cope with this situation

We have always cared for our customers and we develop custom solutions for them.


Sirio is an advanced monitoring software capable of tracking technological anomalies within eCommerce, providing better digital experiences and reducing revenue loss.


ToDoo is a management software for companies specializing in services for auto glass centers.